Thursday, January 20, 2011

New Authors

A friend of mine recommended that I read Laura Levine mysteries. I love finding new authors especially ones who make me laugh out loud. I'm reading Levine's This Pen for Hire. Here's a sample of lol from chapter 15:

"I flopped back on my bed, feeling overwhelmed. I was lying there, wondering about the nature of good and evil, and whether or not I had any ice cream in my freezer, when the phone rang."

I think my mind works in a similar way.


  1. Hi Bee, when my brain is in gear, I'm reading the same book. I like her style of "what she said, and then what she really said". So true, except I usually think of what I should have said the next day!

    Thinking of you next week. My brain is unglued but not my thoughts and prayers for you.

    Take care, Melanie

  2. I am so torn. I want to order some Laura Levine books because they are supposed to be laugh out loud funny, but I have a huge pile that I still need to read. I do know it takes me way longer to read some authors than others. David Sedaris is another author who is supposed to be so amazingly funny. I do not have the time for all these books and it makes me sad.

    love and hugs,

  3. Thank you so much Melanie. I hope you start feeling better.

  4. Shelley: I have stacks and stacks of books and more on my Kindle. I wish I was a speed reader. Love and hugs to you too!
