Tuesday, November 1, 2011

To The Lighthouse Discussion Questions

  1. Mrs. Ramsay is the ideal Victorian wife and mother: devoted to her children, submissive to her husband.  The term for this, based on a poem by Coventry Patmore, is "The Angel in the House." (See examples on pages 6, 32, 39, 83, 107.)
  2. Compare that aspect of her character with the following scenes: Lily's perspective (48-51); Mrs. Ramsay's desire to be "an investigator, elucidating the social problem (9) and her concerns on 58 and 103; Lily's "experiment" during dinner (90-92); Mrs. Ramsay's solution to the quarrel between James and Cam (114-115); Mrs. Ramsay's "triumph" on 123-124.
  3. What is revealed about Mr. Ramsay during the Q to R episode on 33-34?
  4. Mr. and Mrs. Ramsay represent the Victorian marriage; Paul and Minta (172-174) represent the modern marriage. Judge each.
  5. Is Lily attempting to be the angel in the house in the "boot" scene on 149-154? Does she succeed? Is there a difference in her attitude between this scene and her "experiment" at the earlier dinner scene?
  6. What is the purpose of the "Time Passes" section?
  7. What dilemma does Cam face (165, 169, 189)?
  8. What dilemma regarding his father does James face? Is he similar to his father? Is his dilemma resolved? (184-185; 202-203; 206-207)
  9. What is Lily's dilemma throughout the novel regarding her wish to be an artist?
  10. What is the vision that Lily has at the end of the novel? (Also see 180-182.)