Friday, January 14, 2011

Fun With English (2)

In Funny English Errors and Insights compiled by Troy Simpson, here is a student's explanation of grammar:

"In the sentence 'I saw the goat butt the man,' 'butt' is a conjunction, because it shows the connection between the goat and the man."

How do you argue with that logic?


  1. Conjuction Junction. A conjunction is a joiner, a word that connects (conjoins) parts of a sentence. A goat butting someone is not a conjuntion. Butting is an action verb. It is something happening to the poor man. I hate goats. Are we graded on a curve just in case?

    Love and hugs, Shelley

  2. Shelley, you're making me laugh out loud. And you get an A+.

  3. Oh yea! A+ I always did very well in English. One of my favorite English teachers has been on my mind lately and I should try to find him. Together, we 'put on' the High School Theater twice a year. Too shy to be an actor, I was the Student Director, telling others what to do and when! hah! I also took all of the publicity photographs. Good memories.

    love and hugs,

  4. One problem for teachers is that they don't always see the "final product." I bet your former teacher would love to hear from you.
