A few days ago I was having lunch with a friend when she told me that she has a Facebook account but hardly ever uses it because Facebook is so "insidious."
Let's see. According to Random House Dictionary, insidious means something "intended to entrap or beguile; stealthily treacherous or deceitful; operating or proceeding in an inconspicuous or seemingly harmless way but actually with grave effect." Synonyms are corrupting, artful, cunning, wily, subtle crafty. I suppose one grave effect is the amount of time one can spend on Facebook. However, I find it a nice way to talk with friends without having to dress for the occasion.
"Insidious" is derived from the Latin insidiosus which means deceitful or treacherous. Interestingly that is a form of insido which means to sit, settle or perch upon. Curious. I suppose "to sit on it" can mean to hide something which can be deceitful...or just private...or when one is pondering.
I know that there have been complaints about Facebook making information available to advertisers. I never pay attention to the advertisements on my "Wall." They aren't as irritating as some of the advertisements in the New York Times online newspaper. I usually keep the computer screen on minimum when reading the Times so as to avoid all of those flashing, moving, bouncing messages. I sometimes accidently "roll over" a portion of the screen and get a pulsing advertisement for iPhone4 or tickets to a MOMA exhibit. But I like looking at some of the slide shows and listening to some of the podcasts, so I'll put up with those inconvenient ads. At least Facebook ads don't move. As for Facebook making my information available....They can only give information that I put in my profile and minimal is a choice.
Perhaps I'm missing some dire threat. Then again, I like the idea of being beguiled.
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